INFOR Global Turkey Solution Partner
"Infor applications and Intecon expertise enable you to standardize your processes using industry practices and achieve operational excellence..."

INTECON Became an R&D Center
"Following a presentation at the General Directorate of Science and Technology under the Ministry of Science, Industry, and Technology, the R&D center application of Intecon Information and Consulting Services Ltd. was approved, and it became an R&D center.""

INTECON Expands Its Service Range...
"With special integration approval from the Revenue Administration, you can create a fast, technological, and secure working environment using Intecon's IT infrastructure, offering E-Invoice, E-Archive, and E-Ledger applications."

Our Software Services
"Aligning with business needs and goals, we manage alternative technologies and, with our expert software development team, analyze business processes to provide the most ideal solutions in the shortest time."
İzmir Office
- Kalabak District
- 3270.Street No:15
- Urla/İZMİR
- 0(216) 314 08 06
İstanbul Office
- Şerifali District Büyükyavuz Street
- Hideside Residence 6.Floor
- No:28/30 Apt:25
- Ümraniye/İSTANBUL
- 0(216) 314 08 05
- 0(216) 314 08 06